Why travel to Africa? Why not?

For most people, a luxurious relaxing trip does not include a destination of Africa. The continent seems to be more intense, with dangers lurking around the corner and a possibility existing of never returning back home. To be fair, some places in Africa really aren’t the safest to travel to currently – but there are also other places in the world that also have major travel warnings up.

When you are considering traveling to Africa, be prepared for some questions that will arise before you go:

Will you be sleeping in a hut? Do they have “real” bathrooms there? Are there lions on your college campus? Where is South Africa?

Some people will have good intentions, but when they remind you of the dangers of malaria or fear of flying – it can get overwhelming.

The World is Our District shared a post on April 29th with stories of their experience prior to and traveling in Africa. Check it out!
